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Top Benefits of Using Abdominal Binders
Top Benefits of Using Abdominal Binders

Top Benefits of Using Abdominal Binders

What is a postpartum abdominal binder?

Postpartum abdominal binders offer the support you need right after birth. Many changes happen to your body during pregnancy, just as much so after you give birth. Abdominal binders come in different shapes and sizes. They tailor to your diverse needs. 

What does an abdominal binder do?

Abdominal binders have a history dating back centuries. Belly wrapping began in Asia and Latin America and usually involved cloth wrapping in creating binding around the belly. Traditionally, binders were worn to reduce swelling after birth. Binders were also believed to tighten loose muscles. That tradition is carried on today in various cultures and parts of the world, including the United States. 

Abdominal binders are often used postpartum to help promote healing by offering compression and support after pregnancy. Belly Wraps and Belly Binders help support the weakened muscles in your hips, waist, and belly due to pregnancy. It is essential for women recovering from birth or women who had a c-section to use abdominal binders. 

Top Benefits of Using Abdominal Binders

  • Provides support after birth 
    • The compression applied to your abdomen and hips during your postpartum phase can help hold your muscles in place while your body heals properly. It also helps support your pelvic floor and ligaments which had a lot of pressure pushed down on during pregnancy. 
  • Helps Increases blood flow and reduces swelling in your abdomen
    • The postpartum phase after birth may last up to six - eight weeks. This is because it takes time for your uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size. During pregnancy, the uterus expands about 500 times its original size. An abdominal binder works by increasing blood flow to your abdomen, reducing  swelling and speeds up healing. 
  • Provides support during light exercise such as walking
    • When doing light exercise such as walking, wearing a binder  may help decrease the risk of permanent muscle separation in your abdominal muscles. You may want to wear an additional layer if you are sweating excessively such as the Belly Shield by Belly Bandit to help limit skin irritation or possible rashes. 
  • Helps to reduces pain after a c-section 
    • Having a c-section is a major surgery that cuts through muscle and tissue to get to the uterus. An abdominal binder after a c-section is essential to help with the pain and healing. You can wear your postpartum binder 4 to 6 hours a day for the first few days. It is safe to wear them when you get home from the hospital and your medical care professional gives you the clearance based on your incision.  

Are abdominal binders effective?

Postpartum abdominal binders are very effective. They are designed to keep the postpartum body in mind. They provide compression and support to help your muscles, ligaments, and uterus to go back to where they  were before pregnancy. 

How to use a postpartum abdominal binder:

Postpartum abdominal binders are meant to be worn around your waist and abdomen. The strain on your abdominal muscles due to pregnancy can continue to put pressure and pain on your back and pelvic region during postpartum. 

We suggest starting to wear a postpartum abdominal binder soon after birth or when you feel comfortable. Wearing an abdominal binder for a minimum of 6 to 10 weeks after delivery helps back pain while aiding and possibly strengthening your core muscles weakened during pregnancy. Many women wear abdominal binders after 10 weeks, especially breastfeeding moms, for extra posture support. 

Most abdominal binders are adjustable to provide the right amount of compression.. Having an adjustable binder allows you to tighten your binder as your abdomen adjusts to your pre-pregnancy size.

How long should I wear an abdominal binder?

Most postpartum abdominal binders can be worn any time day and night. t. However, if you are experiencing discomfort or having trouble sleeping, consider taking a break or sizing up. The proper fit for a binder is a snug fit without the feeling of cutting off circulation.

Can I sleep with an abdominal binder?

Belly bandit postpartum abdominal binders can be worn day and night. 

When can I start wearing an abdominal binder after birth?

You may start wearing your postpartum abdominal binder as soon as you get home from the hospital, or feel comfortable enough to wear one. As always, you should check with your physician and get clearance.

A binder should be tight but not too restrictive. If you think that you are having a hard time breathing, having shortness of breath, or feeling like it is too tight and uncomfortable, consider sizing up temporarily until you are comfortable in a smaller size. 

If you have a c-section, it is essential to wait until your dressing comes off first. Also, check with your doctor on proper incision care while wearing a binder. Wearing a belly wrap/binder  after a c-section has many proven benefits as it helps you heal and provides the compression and support you need. 

How does the abdominal binder help after a C section?

A postpartum abdominal binders provides many benefits after a c-section. 

  • May help heal and strengthen abdominal muscles 
  • May help reduce the possibility of developing Diastasis Recti
  • Reduces recovery time
  • Provides even pressure on your incision to help alleviate pain 
  • May help maintain good posture 

Where to find abdominal binders

Belly Bandit offers postpartum abdominal binders  to aid in your recovery. 

Your postpartum journey should be stress-free. Giving you the time and ability to focus on the new addition to your family. Consider using the following to ensure your postpartum recovery is as smooth as possible: 

If you are recovering from a c-section, Belly Bandit has fantastic products to give you the smoothest recovery possible. Consider using the following: