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Pregnant During the Pandemic? You're Not Alone!
Pregnant During the Pandemic? You're Not Alone!

Pregnant During the Pandemic? You're Not Alone!

Hey mamas! We know these past few months have been challenging, like really, really challenging. The pandemic stopped all of us in our tracks and with kids in the house, working from home, toilet paper shortages, and babies on-the-way it hasn't been easy!

Here at Belly Bandit HQ we're fortunate to work with so many amazing moms and moms-to-be. We hope by sharing some of their stories in our,  “Pregnancy During a Pandemic” campaign, you'll feel a little less alone and a lot more love. 

We asked each of our expecting mamas to share what their pregnancy has been like during the 2020 pandemic. Below are some of their thoughts....


“Never in a million years did I think we’d be prepping to give birth in the midst of a global pandemic. We are just praying for a safe and healthy delivery in a few short weeks. I know as soon as I see her face it’ll all be worth it. 💗” - K.L. Hall (@authorklhall)

“Celebrating a new baby definitely looks different during a pandemic. Instead of a big, warm baby shower, we’re celebrating life events via Zoom and planning hopeful Sip and See’s for when baby get’s here. But what doesn’t change is the amount of love and joy we experience waiting on a new baby. And that’s all that matters.” -Taylor R.


“Never in a million years could I have imagined that the majority of my first pregnancy would be in the middle of a pandemic and forced quarantine. I had imagined this super healthy pregnancy where I would be going to the gym regularly and being able to share my growing belly with my family and friends. Unfortunately, living in New Jersey, we were hit hard and fast with the virus and having a weaker immune system due to pregnancy, my husband and I have had to quarantine even more strictly than most. With a canceled babymoon, a baby shower that is now a drive up shower where I won’t be able to hug my loved ones, my husband not being allowed to join my doctor and ultrasound appointments, and all kinds of shipping and fulfillment issues getting our little one’s nursery complete in time, it truly hasn’t been easy or what I would have dreamed for my pregnancy. But through all of this, I am grateful for a healthy baby boy on the way and more time shared with my husband than we ever had before to take walks, have dinners together, and share the excitement of the little (and big) kicks and punches our little guy is blessing us with!” -Becca F. (@sunseekinginstyle)


“I could look at all the downsides of pregnancy during COVID-19, but I always try to think about the positives instead of dwelling on the not so good. During this time I got closer to God, my family and friends, we have a huge support system that loves our son already. In the beginning, my husband was able to come to the first appointments where we heard our son’s heartbeat and saw his first ultrasound (he looked like a little gummy bear), at this time he was our little nugget. We also had a gender reveal before the lockdown with close family members and then recorded it live on zoom for our other family to see and be apart of.  We were able to have a virtual baby shower this past weekend that brought together family and friends across the US that wouldn’t have been able to come even if this pandemic wasn’t happening. Every morning is a blessing because when I wake up I feel my son moving like he’s telling me I’m still here, don’t worry, keep going mommy. I still have JOY and even COVID-19 couldn’t take that from me. We are so excited and cannot wait to welcome our first son into this world 🌎 2 weeks from today!” – Daysha B. (@daysha_opry_fit)

"Being pregnant during a pandemic is not something I could have possibly fathomed, yet here we still are. To my fellow mamas who are navigating this with me, I know it can be hard to embrace moments of joy and celebrate this special time... but WE MUST!”  -Stuart B. (@stuartbrazell)

Shout out to these awesome mamas who are not only surviving pregnancy during these difficult times but finding ways to thrive!

Pregnancy - @fiftytwothrusdays
During - @officialtlopez
A Pandemic @alilevinedesign
Is Challenging. @t.beaston
We all @authorklhall
Have A Story @stuartbrazell
To Share Taylor R.
# @sunseekinginstyle
BanditTogether @daysha_opry_fit

Pregnancy during the best of times can be challenging and we wanted you to know that even though we’re not together, we’re still here to support you.  Please share your stories with us by posting with the hashtag #bandittogether.