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Belly Bandit Co-founders Featured in Forbes!
Belly Bandit Co-founders Featured in Forbes!

Belly Bandit Co-founders Featured in Forbes!

We're thrilled to be featured in Forbes - here's a sneak peek, to read the article in its entirety head to:

Here are Lori Caden’s top six tips for attracting celebrity supporters for your brand:

1)   Make a great product. You can’t attract customers (celebs or not) unless you believe in your product. 

2)   Connect. It’s easier now with social media to reach celebs directly. Don’t be shy about shout outs and product offers.

3)   Generate buzz. Celeb moms are like any other moms: When a product has good buzz, the interest is there. So, use your marketing channels and PR to get the word out about your product. Make it buzzworthy. 

4)   Reach out to celeb stylists. Stylists have access and can get your product into the right hands. 

5)   When all else fails, reach out to agents and managers.

6)   Remember that just one will attract many. We’ve found that our celeb fans share their favorite products with their friends. Securing just one fan has been a great way to get Belly Bandit into the hands of many high-profile mamas.