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Must-have Products to Survive Your "TWIN" Pregnancy!
Must-have Products to Survive Your "TWIN" Pregnancy!

Must-have Products to Survive Your "TWIN" Pregnancy!

If you're expecting twins and didn't know what to expect, you're definitely not alone. Just ask blogger, Whitney J! 

When I first found out I was pregnant with twins I didn’t think it would be that different than when I was pregnant with my first. I finally did a little research and learned that I was VERY wrong! Twin pregnancies are not only more high-risk but they are much harder on your body.

Within the first couple of weeks of pregnancy, I knew that it was going to be something completely new and different. From the get-go, I was way more exhausted and way more nauseated. But the symptoms didn’t stop there, when I was about 19 weeks along I lifted my toddler wrong and completely threw out my back. I couldn’t even walk up the stairs. It was so painful!

Now that I’m almost 27 weeks along (third trimester, here we come!). My body already feels 9 months pregnant and it’s really starting to take its toll! I feel a ton of pressure and round ligament pain but I know that I have about 10 weeks left so I have to do whatever I can to make it through! I know that it will all be worth it in the end :)

The 2-in-1 Hip Bandit™ Maternity Belly Bandy Support Band 

This product was one that I used and loved in my first pregnancy but after this twin pregnancy, I swear by it! I had to pull it out around 15 weeks this time around and have used it almost daily since. 

One of two good, supportive pregnancy tanks

For me, it was important to find a really supportive tank that you can wear often either layered under a cardigan or under a sweater, etc. These are especially nice to have when you aren’t’ able to wear your 2 in 1 Bandit all day long. I rotate between my black and white pregnancy tanks 4-5 times a week! I notice a big difference with how my belly feels at the end of the day on the days I wear them and the days I don’t.

Supportive Maternity Leggings 

Having a good pair of maternity leggings makes ALL the difference in the world. A cheap pair of cotton leggings did not work for me. They don’t last, they don’t support me, or stretch and grow with my bump. There are such leggings that have built-in seems to really support your growing bump and when you already look and feel 9 months pregnant at 25 weeks with twins, that’s exactly what you NEED.

Heating Pad

My sweet husband had to go out to Walmart at 1:00 in the morning after I threw out my back to find me of these blessed pads! It’s small, about 12 inches x 15 inches and fit on my back perfectly! It provided SO MUCH relief and I have continued to use it several times a week to ease aches and pains since then. Make sure you talk to your doctor and use the pad appropriately. My doctor said to put it on low heat and keep it on for no longer than 20 min at a time.

Muscle Recovery Soak 

Before I got pregnant with twins I was never a bather. I just didn’t enjoy it at all. But about halfway through my pregnancy, my sister in law (and fellow twin mama) gave me muscle recovery soak for baths and I had to try it out. After one use I was in love and totally hooked!

Make sure you talk to your doctor before you start bathing to make sure you do it appropriately. My doctor suggested keeping my baths lukewarm and no longer than 20 minutes long.

Large Sleep Pillow 

Sleeping got difficult around 20 weeks for me so I started sleeping with a large sleep pillow a few weeks ago and it has made all of the difference for me and keeping my whole body supported and comfortable while I sleep! But the best part is that I can use it has a double breastfeeding pillow for when the twins come. This was such a game changer for me. 

Body Butter/Oil 

Making sure that my whole entire body stays moisturized this pregnancy has made me feel so much more comfortable in my own skin! Not only that, but cocoa butter can help reduce stretch marks! Stretch marks are mostly hereditary but you can help your skin’s elasticity by taking good care of it and keeping it moisturized.

There you have it, these are definitely my most used and most loved products for both pregnancies but especially my twin pregnancy! 

Whitney, is a lifestyle blogger and social influencer. You can find all her amazing beauty and parenting articles at and of course on Instagram at @whitjxoxo