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Moms Who Made It - Hindi Zeidman
Moms Who Made It - Hindi Zeidman

Moms Who Made It - Hindi Zeidman

Here at Belly Bandit HQ, a women-owned and operated company, we believe in celebrating the success of all women in business! Our “Moms Who Made It” series is our way of honoring Mompreneurs who inspire us every day. 

This week we're thrilled to be featuring Hindi Zeidman founder of The Ollie World, The Smarter Swaddle. Hindi, a single foster parent was frustrated when unable to find a swaddller that truly soothed and help support her baby's development. So...she got to work creating her own! The result, "The Ollie Swaddle, is designed to give baby the freedom to move and gradually adjust to sleeping unswaddled while continuing to promote self-soothing - brilliant! 

Describe your business philosophy in 5 words:

Make a positive impact

What inspired you to go into business?

I was a single foster-parent for the most amazing infant, Oliver. He was on the verge of being labeled as “failure to thrive,” and I created the Ollie specifically for him. Once he began using it, I saw dramatic changes in his sleeping, eating, developmental milestones, and his ability to attach and bond. After I saw the impact the swaddle had on Oliver, I knew it was something I wanted to share with all little ones.

When did you know you, “made it?”

Though it is an honor to be part of this group, it is difficult for me to express with confidence that I’ve “made it.” Being a business owner is full of so many ups and downs, and the journey -- though immensely rewarding -- can challenge you in the most unexpected ways. This is something I’m continuously working on, and I feel that I still have so much more to accomplish before I can truly feel like I’ve made it.

Who is your mentor?

When I first began my business, I had no idea what I was doing (and there are times when I still feel like that!). The driving force that kept me going was my belief in my product and the desire to make a difference in the lives of little ones. I was told by multiple people that I would never make it and would never sell my product. I was rejected constantly, but my belief kept me going -- my belief in my product had to be greater than all of the negativity and rejection. To this day, I still remind myself every single day why I do what I do. The daily grind, uphill battles, and rejection do not go away -- they just look different today than they did a couple of years ago, so I have to always remember why I began this company.

What does “me” time mean to you?

Finding balance in life has never been something that comes easily for me. I have to make a conscious effort every single day to step away from the computer or put down my phone. Although it can appear that I have the ability to set my own hours since I run my own business, what most people don’t understand is that I work seven days a week. So, sometimes “me time” is simply just not having to set the alarm on a Saturday morning or going to the gym.

What‘s on your bedside table?

Reading is not only something that I love to do, but it is also something I share with my mom. We pass books back and forth constantly. It is a great way for us to connect, and we get to share something we both love doing. You can always find at least four books on my bedside table.

Words to live by - Share your favorite quote!

Great people have a vision of their lives and practice emulating it every single day.


To learn more Hindi head to,