Here at Belly Bandit HQ, a women-owned and operated company, we believe in celebrating the success of all women in business! Our "Moms Who Made It" series is our way of honoring Mompreneurs who inspire us every day.
This month we're featuring Tara Williams, founder of Dreamland Baby, the only weighted blanket that baby can wear! Tara was inspired to create the blanket when she struggled to get her newborn to sleep soundly, something all new parents can relate too, right?! She quickly found that a weighted sleep sack helped babies fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, brilliant! Now the whole family can get their Zzzz's!
Describe your business philosophy in 5 words or less:
Deliver on quality and efficacy
What inspired you to go into business?
My fourth child, Luke. He was still waking up every hour and a half at nearly six months old. Like so many other new parents we were desperate for sleep. One night we placed him under a heavy throw blanket while sitting on our couch. I noticed as soon as the weight was on his body, he instantly calmed down. A lightbulb went off in my head: he needs a weighted blanket! The first night trying my prototype Luke slept 12 hours! We couldn’t believe how immediately his sleep was improved. Word quickly spread and I was flooded with requests from family and friends. The idea to bring Dreamland Baby to families everywhere was born.
When did you know you “made it?”
We are just getting started on our journey. I don’t think I’ve made it yet, but watching myself negotiating with the Sharks on ABC’s Shark Tank Season 11 Finale was definitely a, “you’ve made it” moment. I had worked so hard to get there. Being surrounded by my friends and family, applauding my accomplishments was a huge milestone personally and for the company.
Who is your mentor?
This answer may be funny because we have never met, but Susan Peterson, the Founder of Freshly Picked. I have followed her career and leadership at FP over the last 10 years and always been truly inspired. Watching her openly and honestly navigate motherhood while simultaneously growing an incredible business has given me the confidence that I can too!
What’s your #1 tip for moms interested in starting their own business?
Just start! As women, we often wait until everything is perfect or we feel completely prepared before we begin. The quote by Reid Hoffman: “If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late,” is one I love. It resonates with me so much because at some point I had stop worrying about everything being exactly right and just get the product into the hands of customers.

Working out! I spend 30-45 minutes every day doing something physical from a walk to a run or lifting light weights. This me time allows me to clear my head and get my priorities in line for the day.
What‘s on your bedside table?
An essential oil diffuser filled with lavender, a big glass a water, my scriptures and the book, “Get Out Of Your Own Way,” by Dave Hollis.
Words To Live By
“The difference in winning and losing is most often…. not quitting.” by Walt Disney. I have this quote on the wall in my office and I cannot tell you how many times I have looked at it and thought, “if you can just keep going, you go this!”
To learn more about Tara and Dreamland Baby head to, and follow on Instagram @dreamlandbabyco.