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Moms Who Made It - Jessica Houston
Moms Who Made It - Jessica Houston

Moms Who Made It - Jessica Houston

Here at Belly Bandit HQ, a women-owned and operated company, we believe in celebrating the success of all women in business! Our "Moms Who Made It" series is our way of honoring mompreneurs who inspire us every day.

This month we're featuring Jessica Houston, CEO of Vitamin and Me - a curated vitamin matching and delivery service! What does that mean? Well, Jessica has worked tirelessly to select the highest quality vitamins available and developed a matching system that ensures you get what you need when you need's brilliant! To get matched, click here,

Describe your business philosophy in 5 words or less:

Our mission: to improve lives

What inspired you to go into business?

I created Vitamin & Me during grad school when my husband and I were expecting. After standing in the vitamin aisle for 30 minutes (as a trained nutritionist), I knew other women without healthcare training were having the same problem. I realized at that moment that we needed a “match” for vitamins. It has since turned into a company that allows us to live out our mission every day. And from our very first bottle sold, we partnered with Vitamin Angels to deliver life-saving nutrients to women and children in need across the world.

When did you know you “made it?”

I don’t think that we’ve made it yet, but to be honest, I hope I keep that mindset- the grit and excitement our team brings every day is what makes this journey so incredible! We want to continue to make meaningful relationships and improve the lives of the women we reach. I have an amazingly talented team, and we all feel passionate about helping other women navigate their wellness needs.

Who is your mentor?

I’ve had several mentors along the way- talented women who have helped me at each stage. If I could pick one person who inspires me most (and mentors me without her really knowing it), it’s Sara Blakely, the Founder of Spanx.  She built her company with grit, humor and hard work.  Watching her navigate building a company for women while being a mother of 4 has been truly inspiring to me.

What’s your #1 tip for moms interested in starting their own business?

Do it today. There will always be a reason to wait, but if you wait, you’ll never do it.

What does “me” time mean to you?

‘Me time’ means giving myself time to reset. I get ‘me time’ in by exercising, going on walks by myself or taking a long, hot bath. I usually do my best thinking then, and I can solve issues that have been looming.

What‘s on your bedside table?

A glass of water, a warm lavender eye mask, and the book, “Bossypants” by Tina Fey for when I need a laugh and “Shark Tales” by Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank for when I need inspiration.

Words To Live By    

“Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.” – Sara Blakely


To learn more head to, and follow on Instagram @vitaminandme.


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