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Moms Who Made It - Debra Raney
Moms Who Made It - Debra Raney

Moms Who Made It - Debra Raney

Here at Belly Bandit HQ, a women-owned and operated company, we believe in celebrating the success of all women in business! Our "Moms Who Made It" series is our way of honoring mompreneurs who inspire us every day.

In honor of Black History Month, we are featuring Debra Raney, the founder of Little Muffincakes. Debra was frustrated when she couldn't find character-based products that reflected what her kids saw in the mirror. She was determined to create items "that represent brown babies in the marketplace." Her solution, Little Muffincakes, is a beautifully curated collection of high-quality bibs, pillows, diaper covers, backpacks, and more that reflect the diversity and beauty of all children. 

Describe your business philosophy in 5 words or less:

Creating inclusivity for brown children.

What inspired you to go into business?

I created Little Muffincakes after feeling jaded from the many shopping trips I made in 2016 as a grandmother-to-be. It was disturbing to see that after all of these years since having my own children there was still a lack of representation in the marketplace as it relates to brown children. After walking the aisles in many baby departments not seeing brown characters, black-owned brands or even children of color on packaging was the last straw. I decided to be the change I wanted to see.

When did you know you “made it?”

When I started getting DMs and emails from customers thanking me for creating the brand I knew that I was tapping into a void that the Marketplace didn’t realize existed. Looking through my Instagram feed now of 1,000’s of beautiful children enjoying my products is just icing on the cake.

Who is your mentor?

I don’t have an actual “mentor”, but I do take mental notes daily and try to draw energy and strength from all of my experiences. So my mentors are the many accomplished entrepreneurs I follow on social media, customers I communicate with, and taking in some Clubhouse nuggets when I can.

What’s your #1 tip for moms interested in starting their own business?

Create a business that you have passion for that solves a problem.

What does “me” time mean to you?

Talking and laughing with my friends is my “me” time, but for 2021 I plan on upgrading to include spa treatments and travel.

What‘s on your bedside table?

“You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. Sometimes I need help so I can stop doubting my greatness.

Words To Live By    

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou


To learn more head to, and follow on Instagram @little_muffincakes. 


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