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Staying Active Throughout Your Pregnancy!
Staying Active Throughout Your Pregnancy!

Staying Active Throughout Your Pregnancy!

We're excited to share this guest blog post from lifestyle blogger and mom-to-be, Kathleen Hurley.

When it comes to working out during pregnancy there are a ton of mixed opinions and I’ve been getting a lot of ??? from you guys about what type of workouts to do while pregnant. To be completely honest I haven’t “worked out” in the traditional sense at all this pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, I tried to maintain exercising occasionally and keeping up with the type of exercising that I had enjoyed (pre-pregnancy) like soul cycle & running but I learned pretty quickly my new body could not handle that sort of high impact. This pregnancy, I already know that my body changes quite drastically and that type of exercise puts to much pressure and pain on my joints, pelvis etc so I’m fine with saving the working out for after the baby comes.

Now that the weather is getting nice I will definitely be walking, walking walking!. While walking was not really an option during the 2nd trimester because of the cold this trimester I’m happy to be outside as much as I can. Living in the city walking is pretty much a given whether I’m taking Rosie to school or strolling with her to Central Park. The second thing I’m going to try to incorporate during the 3rd trimester is a 15-20 minute stretch/yoga session (in my apt) a few times a week. I don’t know if this will be actually be feasible but we will see. I’ve started to experience a lot of lower back pain again so I’m looking for ways to ease some of that stress.


The right gear (pregnant or not) can make all the difference when attempting any type of exercising. Even if I’m not “working out” per say my Monday through Friday usually consists of a lot of running around outside whether it’s doing errands, walking Rosie to School, grabbing an iced tea  and more often then not you’ll find me in athlesiure wear. Now that I’m in my third trimester the right support is also imperative as the belly grows by the day which brings me to today’s athlesiure look with Belly Bandit. The brand recently launched a new line of maternity active wear.. I got to test out some of their new stuff and (Already being a big fan of their B.D.A. Leggings. I can say the new athletic wear did not disappoint. These new yoga pants are light, soft & super stretchy and they stay put over the bump while on the move and offer that extra support for those 2nd/3rd trimesters… the maternity tanks are also perfect for everyday layering as well as athletic purposes.

To read more of Kathleen's articles head to her blog, and follow her on Instagram at